Kirsty. 27. Leeds. Beauty. Books. Cups of tea.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Very late 'What I got for Christmas' :)

I know its realllllly late and well overdue, but I just realised that I never posted my 'What I got for Christmas' blog... But I'm sure its still fine to post now, haha. So, here it is...

I was really lucky to get some lovely things and here is quite a lot of what I got:

* Smarties!! (This is a must for Christmas... or at least some form of chocolate in a tube :P)
* Vanilla candles - really nice for making any room smell pleasant.
* A lovely set of body lotion from 'The White Company'
* A flower print dress scarf
* Fluffy socks!! (Again, another must!)
* This really cool recipe book, which is half printed recipes for you to try out and half your own 'scrapbook' area, where you can write in your own recipes or store any that you find... I really love it as I love cooking!
* A gorgeous jewelled mirror for my handbag

* This lovely Soap and Glory bath set

* 'City of Fiends' by Michael Jecks... I have almost finished this book and I am loving it. I will do a review when I am done :)
* Prada 'Amber' perfume

*Cute, snuggly, soft cat pyjamas!!

(I also got a beatiful coat, which I don't have a photograph of)

So, there you go. It is a little rushed, but I wanted to get this blog post out and make sure it didn't reach February before I got round to it!!

I have already enjoyed reading so many other people's blogs about their gifts, so I hope people liked to have a little insight :)

Thanks for reading
Speak soon
Kirsty x

Monday 12 January 2015

New Year. A few resolutions! 2015

So 2015 has arrived and I thought I would start my first blog post of the New Year by doing pretty much what everyone else has and sharing my 2015 resolutions.. (Not everyone's cup of tea, I know...)

1.  Get driving!
I really want to be able to go places when I want to and not have to rely on public transport. I live around 80 miles away from most of my good friends and family and I want to be able to see them more often. Also, I think its just an independence thing and having a car would be amazing :)

2. See loved ones!
This ties in a little with the first one but its quite simple really... Just to make an effort to travel and see my friends and family, have days/nights out and just enjoy myself in that way.
I live with my fiancee and this is relevant to him aswell, I just really want to make great memories.

3.  Lose weight. Feel better!
This is a standard one I guess, but I do feel that I would like to lose a bit of weight and get a bit fitter. I have started off the year eating healthily and I walk to work every day, which is about a 45 minute walk, so will definitely help exercise-wise.

4. Look for my ideal career!
I currently work as a sales assistant/team member and it is totally fine, but not what I want to do forever. I don't really get that much job satisfaction, so I would really like to find something I enjoy and am genuinely interested in. This is something I have wanted for a while and is very frustrating as its now coming up to 6 years since I left uni... and I'm still no closer to finding anything :(

5. Save money!
Pretty obvious :) Stop spending so much and try to save.

I'm going to leave it at the 5, as to not be exhaustive or unrealistic.

So, I hope I can keep these up for as long as possible. I can but try!! haha...
Has anyone else made any particular resolutions? Or do they have any tips to help me keep mine? lol, they would be very much appreciated!

Thanks for reading
Speak soon
Kirsty x