Kirsty. 27. Leeds. Beauty. Books. Cups of tea.

Sunday 21 September 2014

The White Girl Tag

So, this is the 'white girl tag' – it looked like fun,
so I thought I would give it a go!
1. Favorite Starbucks drink?
Normally just a skinny latte, unless its Christmas! Then
something lovely and Christmassy!!!

2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Hmm, about 30 minutes, unless I'm in a rush.

3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?
Hardly any, and if I do I tend to delete them haha

4. How many IG followers and pics do you have?
17 followers and 9 pics! Hardly any :( (I'm @kirstl87)

5. Do you ever say “LOL” or “OMG” out loud? 
I do.... But in a jokey way. Its probably not funny at all :)

6. Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?

7. Are you racist?

8. How many tweets do you have?

9. Instagram, Twitter ?

10. What do you spend most of your time doing?
Working, which is rubbish, but it pays for things!
If not working then reading, cooking, watching tv, generally
just hanging out at home.
11. Who are your favorite YouTubers? 
Tanya Burr, Velvetgh0st and Brogan Tate

12. How often do you do your nails? 
Every few days, at most a week

13. Are you a shopaholic?
No... but if I could afford it I totally would be!
14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls?
So many!!!

15. Do you own a lot of clothes?
Actually not really

16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?
Haha, yes. All the time

17. Do you wear makeup everyday? 
Most days. But I do love having no make up days, it makes
me feel nice and clean and fresh

18. What are your average grades in school?
Well, I left school like 8 years ago, but they were pretty good.
19. How do you usually style your hair? 
Either down with the side clipped back or just tied up in a bun for work.
20. Do you always look presentable?
Haha, doubtful :P

So yeah, that was my 'white girl tag' – just a bit of fun, but feel free
to have a go.

Thanks for reading!

Speak soon
Kirsty x

1 comment:

  1. I might give this a go soon!
