Kirsty. 27. Leeds. Beauty. Books. Cups of tea.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

BLOGMAS! Day 7... Cheap food and ICE CREAM!!

I went food shopping today and as it is still 10 days until payday I really didnt want to spend a lot, so was pretty happy with a really decent sized shop for just £25!

I thought I would share a couple of things I got:

Firstly, I got some absolute bargains reduced to clear, including 12 organic eggs, still useable within a week, for 38p!! A block of extra mature cheese for 55p and 4 lovely bread rolls for 40p. I absolutely love finding cheap deals like this. I paid £1.33 for what would have been around £6.80 :)

Also, something I HAVE to share is this amazing Ben and Jerry's 'Minter Wonderland' ice cream. It comes in super cute wintery packaging and is DELICIOUS!!!! Mint ice cream with huge chocolate chunks. I know ice cream isn't strictly 'winter food' - but when you're all snug and warm inside then who cares!? :)

I know some people find supermarkers boring but I love food shopping!

Speak soon
Kirsty x

1 comment:

  1. I love food shopping! I actually look forward to it every week haha, that Ben and Jerrys sounds so good, gonna have to look out for it in the shops xx
